}(document, "script")); TOP 10 WATERPROOF PHONES


Imagine your situation, when all of a sudden your smartphone dips into the water bodies. The level of frustration and irritation makes you knackered, and you feel upset. But to such issues, there are remedies too. Keeping the users’ personal and sentimental attachment with the phones, our makers have come up with excellent smartphones, which depict an excellent feature of water resistant. Let’s not break your head anymore, and straightway bring before you the best 10 smartphones having efficient water resistant technique.

1 - Huawei Mate 20 Pro
2 - Apple iPhone XS Max
3 - Google Pixel 3
4 - Motorola One Power
5 - Samsung Galaxy Note 9
6 - Huawei P20 Pro
7 - Samsung Galaxy S9
8 - Sony Xperia XZ2
9 - Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus
10 - Apple iPhone XS

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